Friday, August 31, 2012

Why Isn't My Pemf gadget Helping Me Yet?

No.1 Article of Physical Therapy Assistant Programs

As I talk to population who buy magnetic field systems I often get asked "when will I likely see a result?" The other query is "why is the gismo not helping?"

Both of these questions are no ifs ands or buts related. The answers require an understanding of how pulsed magnetic fields work when applied for exact condition circumstances, and considering the personel body.

Physical Therapy Assistant Programs

Pemfs, of the kind I regularly recommend, typically perforate all the way through the body without being used up by the body. However, like a light, the intensity of the light is strongest rate next of the light and decreases as you move away from the light. The same thing happens with Pemfs - the intensity drops off as you move away from the applicator. That means that the part of the body next to the applicator will get the top field intensity and the other side of the body away from the applicator will get a very low level of intensity. This is an prominent consideration in where to place applicators and will resolve often what kind of results will be obtained.

Why Isn't My Pemf gadget Helping Me Yet?

Some condition problems require higher field intensities. Some condition problems do best with lower field intensities. Some problems require a broader range of frequencies, while others do best with a minimal estimate of frequencies. So, choosing the right gismo becomes prominent to accomplish the best results. Every magnetic theory will produce benefits to some extent. The right magnetic theory for the circumstances will tend to produce results faster. Unfortunately often population have to make purchasing decisions based on affordability and so the right magnetic theory may not always be possible to obtain.

If this is the case, then it will likely take more time for benefits to be achieved and patience will be required.

Many population get expansive results swiftly and are very happy with their Pemf theory even in the first week or so of use. For some population the results don't happen quickly. This is where we can fine tune the treatment agenda to accomplish best results. I often have to remind population that the body takes time to heal once it's given the appropriate signal or stimulus for that to happen. For example, a fracture will need 8 to 12 weeks to be strong adequate for the bone to be able to be used. This does not mean the healing process is finished, it is just a more usable body part. Magnetic therapy can speed the healing rate but it will not be instantaneous. This is an unreasonable expectation.

Pemfs do not drug the body into being painless or euphoric. I call that "numbing and dumbing." Sometimes drugs are prominent while the therapy process. One of the goals of Pemfs is to be able to sell out the use of drugs if one can and accomplish less pain and improved function.

Pemfs work deep in the tissues to stimulate natural healing processes that have gotten stuck. It is the healing of the tissues that creates a discount in pain, and correction of function and health. This is ultimately the best explication and produces the most sustainable, least likely to regress, results. Unfortunately, we didn't get here overnight with our problem/s and it will take time for the healing to work. Despite this, at the same time, other benefits begin to happen in the body, that were unexpected. For example, sleep, mood or vitality, or gut function, etc, may heighten before the former qoute improves.

So, what are some of the ways to heighten results?

1. Setting expectations

Having permissible expectations is no ifs ands or buts important. If one is depressed or very miserable in one's life, small improvements in a qoute may seem inadequate to heighten the full, ability of one's life. I see this particularly in the elderly who have so many condition issues, among others, that it is hard for them to appreciate the benefits they may be getting. prominent to setting expectations is understanding the nature of the qoute the depth of the damage or dysfunction, the tissue complicated and its ability to regenerate, the likely time it will take to recover even in favorable circumstances, and the age of the individual. It is clear that a 20-year-old will heal much faster than an 80-year-old. The body has more vitality and the genetics tends to retain faster repair and recovery. 20-year-olds typically don't have as many persisting problems and so acute injuries tend to resolve much faster than persisting problems, which have been nearby for decades. While often significant funds are being spent on Pemfs we have a risk of setting expectations that are too high for what the technology can accomplish and the ability of the tissue to regenerate.

When expectations are too high we are unfortunately often very likely to seek magic bullets, including surgery, expecting dramatic benefits. Rarely, miraculous things happen quickly, but this is not the norm. Still, Pemf therapies are a best explication than exposing the body to risky procedures or potentially toxic drugs/medications. Pemf therapies or a more natural solution, most of the time. Often, individuals will seek Pemfs as a explication after they have already been subjected to numerous procedures or surgeries. This unfortunately becomes a bit like putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. I have seen Pemfs work highly well and swiftly in patients who have very diminutive damage in their bodies for multiple procedures. This can happen even in this last situation, if the circumstances are right. Most of the time, however, it takes time for healing to happen that is likely to be permanent or dependable. Often also, Pemfs may not cure or reverse the qoute but are significant on a persisting basis to pronounce control of the problem. The same thing obviously happens with the use of medications, physical therapy, massage, etc.

2. Acknowledging the level of tissue damage/dysfunction

This is a significant piece to understanding how long it is likely to take for benefits to be seen in treating exact problems. Problems in the body have degrees of involvement and distinct tissues are complicated in any given injury. The degrees of involvement can be determined in terms of layers or levels. One way to conceive of these levels is: the energetic level, the physiologic level, the pathophysiological level, and the pathologic level. At any given time there can be overlap in the tissues of all of these levels, and they can even all be simultaneously present.

Energetic level

The analogy I use is that of a base cold. When a cold is first beginning, many population feel a vague sense of disease, or discomfort, without any exact sense of where or what the qoute is. This is in the energetic level.

Physiologic level

Once a cold begins to produce a sore throat, a diminutive temperature, a runny nose, sneezing, etc., the infection has moved to the physiologic level.

Pathophysiologic level

If the infection continues in the body and progresses, it may begin to produce bronchitis, rhinitis, a significant cough, mental fogginess, with a green or yellow sputum, etc. This is the pathophysiologic level. In this level there are elements of a physiologic response to an infection and elements of cellular destruction (pathology) with color changes to the sputum indicating infection of the nose, sinuses or bronchial passages. Once the infection descends added into the body, acute sinusitis or pneumonia is possible. Most persisting problems are in the pathophysiologic level, with varying degrees of pathology.

Pathologic level

With significant cellular or organ damage, this level is determined pathologic. A expansive estimate of tissue death can occur before an organ or the body as a whole will fail. At a minimum, a estimate of cells have died. At the extreme, there is either faultless or partial organ failure or death of the person.

Responses to treatment at each level

Treatments directed at a qoute that is at the energetic level are much more dramatic and likely to produce responses very rapidly, even in minutes. For physiologic level problems, treatments are more likely to produce responses in hours to some days. Once there is some level of pathology, that is, at a pathophysiologic level, the effects of treatment regularly take longer, and can take days to weeks. The pathophysiologic level in these cases can be surprisingly affected by magnetic fields, with often dramatic results. At the pathologic level, treatments have very unpredictable results and may take months to years to produce results, if ever. True and faultless organ death is unlikely to be reversible with magnetic fields. Magnetic fields do not create the "Lazarus effect".

Once one knows what the probable level of damage to the organism is, it's easier to predict how long it may take for these therapies to produce results. Miracles, that is, much best than predicted results, are always possible, however. treatment may be directed at a single qoute of interest but correction may first be seen for a distinct issue, based on which layers are involved. Since more superficial layers will be more likely to rejoinder quickly, these problems will rejoinder regardless of where the Mfs may be directed first. This is like peeling an onion; more superficial issues will be "peeled" away first, deeper next, etc. And deepest will be last. This is why holistic treatment may take months to years to clear all the layers.

As a physician, I always exertion to resolve the level of damage that's gift in the person I am asked to help. Once I have a sense of the levels involved, I have a much best idea of how long it will take to accomplish significant relief or correction or cure. The level and extent of the qoute seems to be more prominent than the force of the magnetic fields applied, or the frequencies used or how much time is devoted to treatment each day. Optimizing these variables should shorten the process.

Beyond this, all bodies are distinct and all illnesses or diseases need to be well understood, along with some sense of the mind, body and spiritual states of the personel looking for treatment. All of these will resolve how long treatments will take to produce predicted or desired results. Without this sense of layers, both the personel seeking treatment and the therapist can palpate unnecessary frustration. The body has its own wisdom and will rejoinder in the layers and levels that make more sense to it than to our expectations or fantasies. We need to respect these layers of healing timelines and processes and work no ifs ands or buts with them. What gets healed initially and in what order after that is mostly up to the body, not our expectations. The order of healing will succeed the body's own wisdom of what level/tissue should be cleared first, second, etc. Patience and acceptance of this natural order will aid the healing process.

The second aspect, beyond the levels of dysfunction, is the tissues involved. The body is constantly regenerating itself and we are informed that we are new bodies about every seven years. However, assorted tissues within the body have faster levels of regeneration and repair cycles than the full, body. For example, the cornea of the eye repairers itself 24 hours. Intestinal cells can repair within 72 hours. Skin and muscle cells may repair in 2 to 3 weeks. Bone can take up to seven years. Some tissues do not repair well, if at all, for example, ligaments, tendons, nerves, brain, spinal disks and possibly cartilage. The tissues that do not repair well generally do not have great blood supplies or have a low regenerative capacity.

Since many problems for which Pemfs are used involve musculoskeletal tissues, these problems can be very stubborn to get results. Some problems are just very deep in the body and difficult to entrance without procedures to be able to produce benefits. This is one of the areas where Pemfs are especially useful, since they perforate rate through the body. We cannot push the tissue to regenerate beyond its optimal capacity for regeneration. The optimal capacity is comparable to what would be seen in childhood. So, for example a fracture may take 8 to 12 weeks to heal to a point of functionality naturally. With the use of Pemfs this fracture may take half to three-quarters of the usual time. It is known for example, with fractures that have not healed for over six months, that the use of Pemfs may be needed for upwards of 8 to 12 hours per day for as long as a year, depending on the fracture gap.

For tissues that do not have the capacity for regeneration, Pemfs are used in the circumstances to sell out pain, swelling in the tissues, heighten circulation, and stimulate anyone regeneration is possible. Again, regularly in any given qoute there are multiple layers complicated and multiple tissues. Since we never clearly know what the pain generator might be, the use of Pemfs can still be very valuable.

3. adequate estimate of use

Most of us are under significant time pressures. The estimate of time for which treatments need to be applied, will depend on the levels of dysfunction, the tissue type and the single magnetic theory used. generally speaking, faster results will be obtained with higher intensity Pemfs. Unfortunately, these are regularly significantly more costly Pemf systems. Therefore, if a lower intensity theory is all that is affordable, longer treatment times will be needed for more extended intervals to accomplish desired results. As mentioned above for nonunion fractures, treatments may need to be applied for upwards of 8 to 12 hours per day for upwards of a year. This is an unusual condition but generally, it may be significant to use the Pemfs for 60 min. To three hours per day on average.

It is generally best to break up the treatment times to give gentle nudges to the body to stimulate the healing processes. So, a base recommendation I make is to do 30 min. Three times a day. If this is not possible at least an exertion should be made to do 30 min. Twice a day and when possible add other 30 min. Session in the middle of the day. When time is available best results may be achieved with 60 min. Three times a day. No matter what, at least one treatment session should be done daily regularly nearby 30 min. At a time. One of the most prominent aspects of treatment with Pemfs is consistent daily application until the qoute has improved.

Occasionally frequencies become prominent and for some problems higher frequency systems will do a best job faster, even if less intense. The same rules for time of use applies to these systems.

4. Duration of use

How long should magnetic therapies be applied for? The short rejoinder is - as long as it takes. Many population stop doing their treatments as soon as they feel comfortable enough. It should be understood that the healing process is not finished itself because symptoms are better. Pemfs work at the cellular level and are repairing and regenerating cells and enhancing the function of cells at a level way below our awareness. So, healing can take a lot longer than simple symptom reduction. This is one of the reasons we get into problem in terms of persisting conditions because we don't appreciate that problems are developing until they become symptomatic. A good example of this is hypertension which is silent until a stroke or heart failure occur. A normal rule of thumb would be to continue treatments at the same level prior to symptom correction for least other month. other caution is that when symptoms have improved we should not necessarily growth our action level dramatically because it may reenter the tissues. action should be increased gradually and the body will instruct us what is tolerable. When symptoms recur we know that we have gone too far too fast and need to back off and continue treatment for a longer Duration of time.

A base example where Pemf therapy is not always accomplish desired results is in bone on bone arthritis. This could be the knee or the hip. In this condition the damage is so full, and so late in the history that a joint transfer is often inevitable. Even though in this situation the opportunity for Pemfs to make a huge incompatibility is limited, I'm constantly surprised at the benefits population get. If however, there is minimal benefit or the benefit is not a adequate level of discount of pain, there is still the benefit of assisting the tissues to be as salutary as possible prior to having their joint replacement. After the surgery, the rescue time for the joint transfer may no ifs ands or buts be shortened with a decreased risk of complications. In addition, some explore and feedback from patients indicates that the prosthesis integrates best with the bone.

In increasing there may be long-term benefits in having this osteointegration decrease the likelihood for time to come breakdown and the need for re-doing a joint replacement. Redoing her joint transfer is much more difficult than the former procedure, and is to be avoided if possible. I have had one inpatient least whose rescue from hip transfer surgical operation was dramatically short and painless because she had been using her Pemf theory for at least a year prior to the surgery. Her doctors and physical therapists were amazed at how swiftly she recovered. This roughly never happens with a hip replacement. Again, my point is that we never know what kind of benefits can happen with any given individual, even though not necessarily all of our objectives are met when purchasing the Pemf system.

I consider pulsed magnetic therapy to be a lifetime condition care tool. Therefore, the way the theory purchased can be used will obviously vary over time depending on circumstances. No matter what, we all need condition maintenance, and therefore magnetic therapy should be a component of daily condition management.

5. permissible placements

The usual placement of applicators is to the place of pain or discomfort. Often however, the pain is no ifs ands or buts generated in other part of the body. For example, low back problems can be referred down to the knee or foot. Knee problems can be referred to the foot. Hip problems can be referred to the knee. Shoulder problems can be referred to the elbow or wrist/hand. Spasticity of the lower extremities is caused by a qoute in the spinal cord. And so on. If it is known that the lesion is directly in the tissue experiencing the pain, then it is appropriate to apply the Pemf applicator to that spot. There is never any harm and placing it higher up, particularly the spinal cord because all sensory traffic from the lower extremities travels to the brain through the spinal cord. The brain will comprehend the pain and send a signal back to the extremity or location of the pain. So, treating the spinal cord above the level of the qoute can be very helpful. For example, if the qoute is in the arm then it may be useful to also apply treatment to the neck. A qoute in the lower extremities can be additionally helped by applying the applicator to the lumbar spine area, to get the lumbar spinal cord.

Not only is it prominent to place the applicators in the right locations, but also it may not be as useful to treat the entire body expecting exact areas to receive the same level of benefit. As mentioned above, to lie on your back will not necessarily help the front of your chest, because the field intensity may not be strong adequate to treat the chest. So an application may be needed to the back as well as the front of the chest, in this case. Some magnetic systems allow two applicators to be used simultaneously on opposite sides of the body part. This often allows higher field intensity to be generated in the tissues in the middle of them, which I call a magnetic sandwich. Some applicators can no ifs ands or buts be folded into a tube which also increases the intensity the field in the body part inside the tube. This can also be finished with a whole body pad turned sideways and wrapped nearby part of the body.

Depending on the magnetic system, a pillow applicator may be of higher intensity than a whole body pad. Even if not, a pillow applicator can be applied for much longer periods of time without the risk of over stimulating the body, as would happen with extended treatments with the whole body pad. Generally, tissues in body cavities, such as the abdomen, the chest and the skull, are more sensitive and may be no ifs ands or buts overstimulated in some individuals. In this case, lower intensities and shorter periods of time may be significant to sell out overstimulation.

It is likely that distinct body parts need distinct periods of time of treatment, depending on the level of dysfunction, discussed above. Often, acute problems need less time than persisting problems. So, treatment times will need to be adjusted based on the circumstances.

6. Getting support

While often, a purchased Pemf theory can be used out-of-the-box following the education manual, it may be possible that retain is required from somebody who is well-informed about clinical conditions and understanding the technology being applied. Obviously, if the treatment is not going well or producing appropriate results, professional retain may be necessary. Most healing personnel will have some significant degree of knowledge about clinical conditions but have very diminutive understanding of Pemf technology and so they may not be able to supply useful advice.

7. Having adequate nutritional support

I instruct patients that you can't build a house without bricks and mortar. It is well-known in treatment that wounds won't heal without adequate nutritional support. In fact, wounds will often stall or breakdown and become complicated because the nutritional state is inadequate. I know surgeons will not control until patients have been on an adequate nutritional agenda for some months before optional surgery. We often run into problem doing urgency surgical operation because the condition of the body is not up to the stress of the surgical operation and won't retain adequate rescue afterwards. So, for Pemf therapies to work best, individuals need to be on decent diets and using a uncostly estimate of supplements. At the very least most of us should be taking adequate levels of vitamin D3, omega-3 fatty acids, and a broad spectrum multidose, multivitamin.

It may be desirable to get a consultation with a natural treatment clinician or nutritionist to get set up on appropriate nutritional program. Many population using Pemfs need extra magnesium. Some individuals need retain with melatonin as well. A high carbohydrate, high fried foods diet, or what might be called the appropriate American diet (Sad) does not adequately retain tissues to accomplish the best results with Pemf therapies. Additionally, Pemfs will work best when the bodies adequately hydrated. It is often recommended that individuals should be drinking about half their body weight in ounces. For example, a 160 pound person may need about 80 ounces of fluid per day. Most of us should be getting minimally, about 64 ounces per day. Caffeinated drinks do not count as fluids since we tend to lose as much as we put in.

8. Effects of medications

Some medications are very provocative to the bodies power systems. Some of them, particularly the antidepressants, neuroleptics and sedatives may turn the way the body perceives pain signals. They may in fact the blunt some of the pain discount benefit of Pemfs. I would never suggest that somebody should stop their medications without healing consultation. I raise this point only to edify you that occasionally pain discount is not a successful. This is not to say that all the other benefits of Pemfs in healing and regeneration would not be happening. This only relates to the sensation or perception of pain. On the other hand, is not infrequent that the same medications may no ifs ands or buts be improved in their results with discount of pain symptoms by the simultaneous use of Pemfs and the medications. My palpate indicates that medications and nutrients are absorbed best in the body with the use of Pemfs. On occasion, it is possible to sell out medications once Pemfs have been used. Again, this should be done with healing guidance.

9. Toxicity and sensitivity

Infrequently, some individuals are very sensitive to Pemfs and palpate increased pain or other unpleasant symptoms. These individuals may have a condition called electrohypersensitivity.

When this happens, Pemf therapy would have to be used "low and slow." We would need to use lower intensities, often the lowest possible on the system, and only highly gradually growth the intensities and the time per treatment. Clearly, in this situation benefits may be more difficult to accomplish because the appropriate and significant intensities in time are not possible. Still, results can be dramatic given the opportunity with this treatment. Consultation with a clinician experienced in the use of Pemfs in this setting may be necessary. Most of these individuals need to be on a significant supplement and cusine agenda to accomplish the best results.

Pemfs can open cells and cell membranes to the point of unloading toxins stored in the tissues of the body. This type of response is in the long run a desirable action. Any way it may be unpleasant and will have to be managed by a clinician experienced in doing detoxification. The distance of detoxification will vary from personel to individual. Rarely will Pemf therapy have to be stopped, either temporarily or indefinitely while this is happening. Those individuals will multiple chemical sensitivity Pemf therapy may well be intolerable and may never be able to be used even in the most gentle fashion, at least until major detoxification can be achieved.

10. Psychological issues

Research at Hopkins, in their pain supervision program, found that some individuals with persisting pain have inevitable personality traits, that succeed in very poor treatment outcomes. These individuals often palpate negative reactions to even placebo magnetic field devices. And when they are followed over time, some even complain that their problems continue to be worse due to the placebo treatment. In this situation it is not possible to ever please these individuals and Pemf therapy is not an appropriate treatment modality. Psychological counseling is significant to help with any pain issues in this situation.

11. Wrong device

In the final circumstance, if results are not being achieved as desired, it is possible that the wrong gismo has been selected. It is often difficult to know in the first month or two months of use either the gismo is appropriate or not. Since many condition problems for which Pemfs are being used are stubborn and chronic, it may take 3 to 6 months to see desirable results. Usually, population see some degree of turn even in the first month. If the treatment agenda is too gentle with too diminutive time applied, then results may not be seen even in the first month. It would be easier to say with certainty that the gismo is inadequate after at least three months of oppressive and permissible use. When this happens, it is regularly a matter of having inadequate field intensities. In this case, a much stronger gismo may be needed. My palpate is that this is an uncommon situation.

Understanding and managing the above scenarios would regularly lead to inevitable results with Pemf therapies. Adjustments in the treatment agenda will likely be significant over time to address assorted problems in the body and also to properly handle the needs of any exact body area.

see post Why Isn't My Pemf gadget Helping Me Yet?

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