Monday, June 11, 2012

Sample activity expand Notes

No.1 Article of Physical Therapy Assistant Programs

Writing action advance notes can be time challenging but it is an leading aspect of documentation. F-tag 248 clearly states that there must be a method in which each resident's schedule of activities is monitored. There are many ways to complete advance notes. Below are two examples of a regular advance note.

Mrs. X
Quarterly Review:

Physical Therapy Assistant Programs


Sample activity expand Notes

Since her admission on 10/9/01, Mrs. X has pursued an active freedom lifestyle. She is alert and oriented to all realms and makes her needs known. She is sociable with both staff and peers and initiates conversations. Her family members are very supportive and visit weekly, providing added reading materials and Mrs. X's popular foods. Mrs. X is an active participant in daily recreational activities both on and off the unit together with practice programs, adapted bodily games (bowling, basketball, ball games), word games, bingo, trivia, discussion, attractiveness groups, music programs, cooking and crafts. Mrs. X also joined the Resident Council and has attended 1x this quarter. She has been invited to attend the Young Adult Group, however has declined. She enjoys going to the greenhouse for horticultural therapy sessions and the off unit extra events. Although a practicing Roman Catholic, Mrs. X states she finds much force in attending chapel services of all faiths. Mrs. X enjoys a collection of independent activities including: talking on the phone in her room, listening to music on her Walkman (country and 50-80's music), reading large print books, crossword puzzles and watching movies in her room. Recreation Staff provides movies, crossword puzzles and large print reading materials. Mrs. X has episodes of tearfulness and often dwells on her illness. Recreation staff encourages her to pray, listen to popular music, or find solace in the greenhouse if Mrs. X does not express interest in joining the group activity. Recreation staff will continue to request Mrs. X to daily recreational activities and furnish supplies for independent pursuits. In addition, Mrs. X will be encouraged to attend the Young Adult Group to spend time with residents of her age group for added sustain and companionship. See care plan number 3 addressing mood and behavior, for specific interventions. Mary Sunshine, Adc action Director

Mrs. P
Quarterly Review:


Mrs. P remains alert with confusion and forgetfulness. She is oriented to self and her speech is limited. She responds to simple direct questions by nodding her head or mumbling. Mrs. P is Oob daily in a recliner chair and spends much of the day in the dayroom where she is engaged in recreational activities together with Snoezelen, Five Alive, Sensory and Movement, Music Therapy and adapted reminiscing groups. R/t to poor cognitive status, Mrs. P requires farranging aid (i.e. Hand over hand, physical/verbal cueing) to participate in freedom programs. R/t contractures of both arms she is in case,granted with U/E and L/E Prom while adapted bodily games and practice programs to allege bodily functioning. while sensory programs, a collection of Recreational techniques are utilized to elicit responses to stimuli including: Aromatherapy for olfactory stimulation; hand massages, textured objects and props (yarn) for tactile stimulation; pictures of interest (cats) fiber optic lights and bubble towers for visual stimulation; ice cream, pudding, flavored lip balms etc. For gustatory stimulation; and music (Italian and singalong) as well as nature sounds, for auditory stimulation. Mrs. P responds to sensory stimulation by tracking objects, vocalizing, smiling, laughing, humming, and tapping feet and hands. She especially enjoys Italian music and the song "O Solo Mio". She also participates in argument and reminiscence groups when asked closed-ended questions. Recreation staff provides one to one sensory programs Prn. family visits are irregular. Recreation staff will continue to furnish sensory stimulation to heighten responses to external stimuli and allege potential of life. See care plan number 2 addressing contractures, for specific interventions. Mary Sunshine, Aac action Assistant

If you're concerned in an easier way of completing advance notes you may want to consider the following goods from Re-Creative Resources Inc. Recreation advance Note: This one-page form helps you write advance Notes, certainly and thoroughly. Simply write phrases or short sentences in the spaces provided. It includes areas such as: One to One Interventions, Group Activities, Responses to Activities, Level of Participation, etc. You also receive the "Components of a advance Note" tool that designates varied examples in conjunction with the advance Note Form for each category listed. To order this goods visit the re-Creative Resources Inc. Website.

Sample activity expand Notes

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